I am so very excited to share with everyone that we are planning to visit the US later this year. We've been so lucky to be able to travel already in our lives: Europe, UK & Canada.... but the US is a childhood dream for me. It took a while to convince Simon who thought his travelling days were done and dusted, but his arm has officially been twisted! One of my best friend's is living in Rhode Island at the moment, so it all ties in well, and on the way home we'll visit another of my besties who lives in Canada. Catching up with old friends while having a great time travelling, what more can you ask for!!
Guess I should say that one of the other reasons I am so excited to visit the states is because of all the television shows and movies that I loved as a kid. I think growing up on a farm meant we were often indoors watching movies together, when our 'townie' friends were hanging out in the streets! So I've seen a lot of movies, and fell in love with a lot of characters, and imagined myself living in a lot of movie sets. And I have always said to myself "one day I'm going to go there!" Nerdy? Hmm yeah I guess so haha!
I guess it's not really "wishful" as much as "come true", haha!